Dr Alan Stevens BSc PhD MBA FIET
Chief research scientist, Transport Research
Laboratory (TRL)

Alan Stevens is chief scientist and research director, transportation at TRL, the UK Transport Research Laboratory, and has over 20 years’ experience of the application of new technology in the transport environment. His main technical interests are route guidance, driver information and assistance systems, road pricing and human-machine interaction (HMI). At TRL he is also involved in recruitment and training, and he teaches part of an MSc course at Surrey University on ITS. Alan is technical director of ITS (UK) and editor-in-chief of the IET journal Intelligent Transport Systems.

User-centred design for driver assistance and cooperative vehicle-highway systems
This presentation will consider how the use of human factors data, principles and methods can be used to help design and evaluate systems that provide driver assistance, and those that require cooperation between the vehicle, the driver and the highway system. By using experience from European projects and specific work in the UK, it will illustrate how a driver-centred approach is currently being used, and how it might be used in the future as systems become partially automated.

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