Kees Wevers
Kees Wevers holds a Masters degree in chemistry from the University of Utrecht and a bachelor degree in economics from the University of Rotterdam. He has been with NAVTEQ since 1992. He is an expert in digital map databases, their application in navigation systems and other ADAS applications, and in location referencing. He is chair of the Location Referencing Group of the TMC Forum and has extensive experience in EU-funded research projects.

Real-time updating of in-vehicle digital maps
In the near future it will become possible to send incremental map updates to in-vehicle systems. The public road authorities implement the changes in safety-relevant road attributes, particularly traffic signs and speed limits, and are the most efficient source of information for in-vehicle digital map providers. The prerequisites for an efficient data chain are adequate data storage and maintenance at authorities, a flexible and robust data exchange infrastructure, and automatic data integration at map providers.

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