Robert Gifford
Executive director Parliamentary Advisory
Committee on Transport Safety (PACTS)

Robert Gifford is executive director of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) He is a member of the Ministerial Road Safety Advisory Panel. Since 1997 he has acted as a special adviser on transport safety matters to the House of Commons Transport Select Committee. He sits on the Safety Advisory Board set up by the Rail Safety and Standards Board and on the National Steering Group of the Driver Offender Retraining Group. He is also an external research adviser for the Department for Transport on road and vehicle safety.

Casualty reductions beyond 2010: the challenges ahead
The current targets for casualty reduction in Great Britain come to completion in 2010. This presentation will look at progress to date and highlight the areas where further improvement is needed to deliver further significant reductions. In particular, the need for more comprehensive government involvement, for political leadership and for more partnership working.

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